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「聖誕節通常是個嘈雜的派對,然而我們可以稍稍沉靜一下,聆聽愛的聲音。」 當你下定決心,日日新生,並讓主進入你的靈魂,聖誕節是你。 當你抵禦生活中的風暴與艱難,聖誕樹是你。 當你以你的美德裝飾你生活的色彩,聖誕飾品是你。 當你召喚、聚集人並尋求合一,聖誕鐘聲是你。 當你用你的生命、善良、耐心、喜樂和慷慨來照亮他人的道路,你也是聖誕燈。 當你向世人傳唱和平、正義與愛的信息,聖誕天使是你。 當你帶領人遇見主,聖誕星星是你。 當你把最好的東西給人,你也是智者。當你攻克自己,獲致內在的和諧,聖誕音樂就是你。 當你真正與人為友,成為兄弟姊妹,聖誕禮物是你。 當你親手寫下善意,聖誕賀卡是你。 即使受苦、委屈,當你選擇原諒,重新締造和平,聖誕祝福是你。 當你以食物與希望滿足了你身邊的窮人,聖誕晚餐是你。 在寂靜的夜晚,沒有喧嘩和大肆慶祝,當你謙卑而自覺獲得世界的救主,是的,你是聖誕夜,你是信任而溫柔的一抹微笑,在永恆的聖誕節的內在平安中,在內心建立了天國。 祝福所有盼望聖誕節的人,聖誕快樂,非常喜樂! 方濟各教宗彌撒之美 "Christmas is usually a noisy party: we could use a bit of silence, to hear the voice of Love." Christmas is you, when you decide to be born again each day and let God into your soul. The Christmas pine is you, when you resist vigorous winds and difficulties of life. The Christmas decorations are you, when your virtues are colors that adorn your life. The Christmas bell is you, when you call, gather and seek to unite. You are also a Christmas light, when you illuminate with your life the path of others with kindness, patience, joy and generosity. The Christmas angels are you, when you sing to the world a message of peace, justice and love. The Christmas star is you, when you lead someone to meet the Lord. You are also the wise men, when you give the best you have no matter who. Christmas music is you when you conquer the harmony within you. The Christmas gift is you, when you are truly friend and brother of every human being. The Christmas card is you, when kindness is written in your hands. The Christmas greeting is you, when you forgive and reestablish peace, even when you suffer. The Christmas dinner is you, when you sated bread and hope to the poor man who is by your side. You are, yes, Christmas night, when humble and conscious, you receive in the silence of the night the Savior of the world without noise or great celebrations; you are a smile of trust and tenderness, in the inner peace of a perennial Christmas that establishes the Kingdom within you. A very Merry Christmas for all those who look like Christmas. Pope Francisco

「聖誕節通常是個嘈雜的派對,然而我們可以稍稍沉靜一下,聆聽愛的聲音。」 當你下定決心,日日新生,並...